The program' s goal is to increase resilience and pro-social behaviors. It transforms a person's "limited view"-focused on today's problems, obstacles, and personal weaknesses-into a "big view," where tomorrow's opportunities and personal strengths are clear. the program encourages use of active listening, giving feedback, effective reinforcement, and other multisensory tools to improve social skills and communication and addresses negative peers, internal and external control, negative relapse cycles, and personal responsibility.
This is the program that started it all. A Parent's Guide to Changing Destructive Adolescent Behavior (CDAB) is the only parent training program that addresses the MOST destructive of adolescent behaviors. Now in its 12th edition, CDAB has become the program of choice for parents raising difficult or out or control teens. the American Bar Association's on Children and the Law, named the Parent Project the largest court mandated juvenile diversion program in the country. With a focus on improving both school attendance and performance, CDAB has become a favorite of middle and high school educators as well.
Program Goals:
Critical Issues Addressed:
Loving Solution is a parent-training program designed specifically for parents raising difficult younger children, ages 5-10 years. Also known as "Parent Project, Jr.," this program utilizes the same principles found successful in Parent Project, Sr. adapted to the needs of younger children.
Loving Solutions also addresses the needs of children with Attention Deficit Disorder. The workbook provides a brief but informative introduction and overview of the field, to guide parents through this immerse subject. Parents who suspect that their child displays these symptoms, as well as parents who a have a child already diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, will find this information more than helpful.
Parent Project facilitators will lead the 2.5-hour truancy intervention parent class called “Trauma Informed.” This class is specifically designed to augment the S.A.R.B. and Truancy Abatement efforts. Like all Parent Project programs, this class is based on cooperative learning norms and activity-based instruction. Using a behavioral model, Preparing Our Kids for Success promises to help parents:
• Rekindle their dreams and wishes for their children,
• Better understand and recognize the signs of trauma,
• Recognize the necessity of creating structure for children,
• Identify strategies for getting kids to school,
• Discuss successful methods to increase home/school communication,
• List strategies for improving school performance,
• Implement the Homework Assignment Sheet, or effectively use an online homework information system.
These classes are funded by Chenango County Department of Social Services and NYS OCFS STSJP.
A child’s first few years are so important! Learn how to make the most of them with Active Parenting: First Five Years, a program for parents and other caregivers. Written by parenting expert (and dad) Dr. Michael Popkin, this course will show you how to nurture your child with a “just right” combination of freedom and nonviolent discipline.
Participants will learn:
*What a baby’s cry means
* Ages and stages of development
* Building a strong bond
* The child’s growing brain
* Using mindfulness to keep your cool * Effective discipline young children can understand
* Choices and consequences
* 6 ways to prepare your child for school success and much more